Case Study
FLORES ONLINEE-commerce platform for flowers and gifts
Happiness is Cultivated
The company stands out for the quality, variety and creativity of the products offered, and presents a model of operational, marketing and results efficiency, as well as rising brand value. In 2012, it received contributions from BR Opportunities and the American company 1-800 Flowers, which has a global presence and operates in the same segment as Flores Online.
In addition to the synergy between the companies, another important factor that motivated the investment was the expansion capacity and scalability of the business model.

The results achieved by the company during the investment phase were:
- Creation of the new logo and visual identity for Flores Online;
- Creation of the new Flores Online website;
- Renewal of the product portfolio, optimization of the stock;
- Training of 100 SDD Brazil level partners at Flores Online;
- Integration of the logistics partner’s APP with our system;
- Moving the office into the factory for greater integration and control;
- Partnerships with brands such as the Spa Effect, Biscoitê and Dengo.
Growth L3M
“They are very good people who share the same values as us. They do not give up the
social impact generated by the investee and leave us very comfortable to conduct our
business in our own way. They have patience and long-term thinking, which are
extremely important to give confidence to entrepreneurs.”
Luiz Torres, CEO
Get In Touch
Av. das Nações Unidas, 12399 | Conj. 137 B
Cidade Monções, São Paulo - SP
CEP: 04578-000
Tel: (11) 2339-2663