Case Study
Home AgentThe voice of your brand well cared for
Transforming customer service through the Home Office
The customer service market in Brazil moves more than R$ 50 billion per year, but it is known for having structural problems that make it have low quality, high costs and proven to be a great stress generator. The Home Agent, through the home office operating model, reverses this logic, allowing access to a much higher quality, with economic efficiency and at the same time generating a positive social impact.
This operation model allows access to more qualified professionals, which are not available for the traditional contact center market. Through this model, it is being possible to:
– obtain greater productivity,
– implement a better level of operational quality,
– attracting people with a much higher level of education than the market average,
– set up operations with a high degree of flexibility.
– set up operations that would never be viable for traditional call centers.
Our model generates a significant social impact, since whoever works at the company earns 4 hours a day on average, this represents 60 days a year more quality of life for our team. In 2017, we returned about 8 thousand days to our agents, we stopped generating 180 thousand trips by public transport and we stopped generating 92 tons of CO2
Home Agent offers a complete portfolio of solutions related to the Home Office operation model, from this complete outsourcing of the customer relationship (Customer Service, Sales, social networks, quality, billing), to the Digital Transformation in Home Office for those who have their operation service and needs to migrate to this operation model, with the best practices of methodology, processes, platforms, infrastructure and even candidates with the correct profile for this modality.

“X8 Investimentos has a very close participation in daily life, has an open position to support the company in its strategic challenges. The X8 team is very close and accessible, always making valuable contributions to the business.”
Fabio Boucinhas, CEO
Get In Touch
Av. das Nações Unidas, 12399 | Conj. 137 B
Cidade Monções, São Paulo - SP
CEP: 04578-000
Tel: (11) 2339-2663